
Hip Function in the Prediction of Injury in Distance Runners: A Longitudinal Cohort Study.

Are you a distance runner?
Want to improve performance?
Want to prevent injuries?

Then read the letter below and if you are interested in participating with this study – please mail us on news@befordviewathletics.co.za

Dear Runner

 I, Stacey Rosin, am doing research on injuries sustained by distance runners. Research is just the process used to learn the answer to a question. In this study I want to learn which hip performance tests may indicate risk for injury or whether there are other factors that are associated with injuries ie. socio-demographics, body characteristics, nutritional habits, medical needs, training workload and previous exercise related injuries. I also want to find out if these factors increase a person’s risk of future injury.

If we know which factors are associated with injury, these factors can inform the development of injury prevention programmes.

I would be most grateful if you would be willing to participate in this research project.

The project will take place at your running club at various designated times which will be communicated to you in advance. The study will Commence in February 2017.

Who is eligible to take part in this study?

 Male and female runners aged 18 years and older who have run at least one competitive race ( 21km, 42km or greater) in the last two years and who train at least 20 to 50km per week or more at the time of data collection.

 What is involved in the study?

Testing will be arranged on a date and time suitable to your schedule. You will be asked to complete a questionnaire enquiring about socio-demographic information, body characteristics, nutritional needs, medical needs, training workload and previous exercise related injuries

Your participation in this questionnaire, the Ultramarathon Longitudinal Tracking Study Questionnaire – for Runners (ULTRA-R), involves completing the questions to the best of your knowledge. Some of the questions you encounter may ask about information which could be considered sensitive such as ethnicity, marital status or employment etc. These questions are included for statistical purposes and to help determine trends in profiling runners. For example, it is well known that certain ethnic groups are predisposed to developing high blood pressure. In the same way it is possible that different ethnic groups may be at risk for different running injuries. This questionnaire may require 30min to complete and is completed once per participant.

Some of the information collected in this study will be personal and involve your medical history. We will ensure anonymity by assigning you a study number. The key to the study numbers will be in the sole and secure possession of the principle investigator. You may omit questions you consider to be sensitive enough that you prefer not to answer.

The ULTRA-R can be completed online via the REDCap platform, or via hard copy (collection box located in the club secretary’s office), depending on your preference. 

A Physiotherapist will ask you to perform 5 quick functional tests such as a single leg squat etc. The entire physical testing procedure should not take more than 25min. This testing will also take place only once.

Injury status and training workload will be monitored for a period of six months with the aid of an application which you can load onto your cell phone. The Injury ,Monitoring Questionnaire will take just 5 to minutes to complete. Should you prefer to record injury status and training workload via hard copy, you are welcome to do so and place the documents in a marked box in the office of the club secretary

Participation is voluntary and refusal to participate will not involve any penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. You may withdraw from this study at any time without suffering any repercussions.

Are there any risks of taking part in this study?

You will not be exposed to any additional risks other than the risk that you are normally exposed to when you are running.

What are the benefits of taking part in this study? 

Generalised results will be made available to all participants at the end of the study. There will also be individual feedback provided for each participant. This will enable you to gain insight into your individual performance strengths and possible areas for improvement. There is also a draw for a prize which will be done at the end of the study for those participants that complete the study.

Will information be handled as confidential?

Efforts will be made to keep personal information confidential. Absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Personal information may be disclosed if required by law. To ensure confidentiality of participants, each runner will be assigned a study number.   The key to the study numbers assigned will be kept by the researcher only. Names of participants are to be written on the consent form. Runners will write their name on the top right hand corner of the questionnaire. As soon as the researcher verified the study number of the participant, the top right hand corner will be torn off and discarded so that questionnaires are anonymous. Additionally, consent forms are to be kept separately from the questionnaires. All information will be used only for the purpose intended in this study only.

For further information, you are welcome to contact me on 0835149359 or send an email to 0100661k@students.wits.ac.za.

For more information on, or for the reporting of ethical concerns, you may contact the chair of the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of the Witwatersrand:

Prof Cleaton Jones; Tel: 011-717-2700

Kind regards

Stacey Rosin
Physiotherapy Department
University of the Witwatersrand