AGM 2022
Please make your nominations below…

    I, (you name below)





    Committee Members – Joint Responsibilities
    Manage the ongoing financial position of the Athletics Section
    Promote interaction with club members
    Primary & central communication source for Athletics Section members
    Ratify purpose of and selection to the performance squad
    Assist the Social Organiser with the planning of events.
    Attend/Host social functions
    Fund raising/sponsorship for athletics section – takkie draw/time trial/etc
    Ensure Modus Operandii of the club is being adhered to by members and officials (committee, leaders, marshalls, etc.)
    X One Committee Member to attend monthly Dis-Chem Committee meetings.

    Primary Spokesperson for Bedfordview Athletics
    Organise and schedule the monthly committee meeting (2nd week of the month)
    Chair the monthly committee meeting
    Prepare the agenda for the monthly committee meeting
    Attend & represent the Athletics Section at the main club monthly meeting (last Monday of each month)
    Drive any negotiation involving the interests of our members
    Manage the on-going financial position of the club in conjunction with Treasurer
    Co-ordination of yearend function & prize giving with Social Organiser
    Run monthly takkie draw/Guest Speaker events with Vice Chairman & Captain
    Appointment of Dis-Chem Chairman
    Primary Liaison to the Dis-Chem organising committee
    Prepare contribution to weekly newsletter (upcoming events; news of interest)
    Identify prize winners for yearend prize giving (with Vice Chairman & Captains)

    Vice Chairman
    In the absence of the Chairman, step into acting position.
    Assist the chairman with his/her duties and prepare to move into Chairman role
    Attend all Inter Club Time Trial Challenge meetings
    Drive our involvement, attendance and competing in the Inter Club Time Trial Challenge
    Organise and Host our leg of the Time Trial Challenge
    Co-ordination of Comrades refreshment tables
    Identify prize winners for yearend prize giving (with Chairman & Captains)

    Take minutes at monthly meetings and circulate by email within 1 week to the committee
    Take minutes at the AGM and circulate by email within 1 week to the committee
    Ensure all communications (emails etc.) to the club are forwarded and/or replied to by the relevant committee member
    Co-ordinate the stock holding and selling of all club kit in conjunction with The Sweat Shop Bedfordview
    Source, design & presentation of the Comrades tops by November meeting – full committee to give input. Also securing sponsorship to finance the tops.
    Assist the Social Organiser with the planning and preparation for the yearend awards function
    Keep a list of all prize giving trophy winners and coordinate the return of these from 2 months before the next prize-giving.
    Co-ordinate License evening (in conjunction with Treasurer & Alan Smith)
    Develop New Member Induction programme

    Preparation of annual income & expenditure budget
    Present income and expenditure statement at monthly committee meetings
    Preparation of annual financial statements for the AGM for presentation to the members
    Update and maintain all “active members’” details on the website/email database
    Liaison with Alan Smith of Virgin Active.

    Running Captain
    Selection of leaders and marshals for each of the running schools (ongoing communication with school leaders)
    Liaise with the Club Coach on training schedules for the various running schools
    Attend & represent Bedfordview Athletics at the CGA meetings
    Ensure our club details are up to date in the CGA books/reports/website
    Prepare race calendar for catering and gazebo needs – and hand over to Social Organiser
    Appoint person to update Club Board with weekly routes
    Co-ordinate roster of club members to take gazebo/drinks to races
    Co-ordinating the safekeeping of club gazebos, cooler boxes & trailer
    Identify prize winners for yearend prize giving (with Chairman & Vice Chairman)
    Identify candidates for BCC Main Club Awards in February for previous year’s accomplishments (in consultation with Chairman)
    Prepare contribution to weekly newsletter (upcoming races; race results; race achievements)
    Appoint Weekly Time Trial co-ordinator
    Host an early season Review of the year ahead with a Q&A session
    Book gazebo site for Two Oceans and Comrades
    Organise gazebo (and teardrops) and refreshments for finish at Two Oceans and Comrades

    Triathlon Captain (Incorporates Cycling Captain Roles)
    Selection of leaders and marshals for each of the swimming schools
    Create and publish weekly training schedules for the various schools
    Attend & represent Bedfordview Athletics at the CGT meetings
    Ensure our club details are up to date in CGT/TSA books/reports/website
    Prepare race calendar for catering and gazebo needs – and hand over to Social Organiser
    Co-ordinate roster of club members to take gazebo/drinks to races
    Identify prize winners for yearend prize giving (with Chairman & Vice Chairman)
    Identify candidates for BCC Main Club Awards in February for previous year’s accomplishments (in consultation with Chairman)
    Prepare contribution to weekly newsletter (upcoming races; race results; race achievements)
    Manage Triathlon kit (Source, design, stock holding, sponsorship to finance kit)
    Host an early season Review of the year ahead with a Q&A session
    Organise gazebo (and teardrops) and refreshments for supporters at Ironman

    Cycling Captain
    Selection of leaders and marshals for each of the cycling schools
    Create and publish weekly training schedules for the various schools
    Attend & represent Bedfordview Athletics at the CSA meetings
    Ensure our club details are up to date in CSA books/reports/website
    Prepare race calendar for catering and gazebo needs
    Co-ordinate roster of club members to take gazebo/drinks to races
    Prepare contribution to weekly newsletter (upcoming races; race results; race achievements)
    Manage Cycling kit (Source, design, stock holding, sponsorship to finance kit)
    Host an early season Review of the year ahead with a Q&A session
    Organise gazebo (and teardrops) for supporters at halfway at 94.7

    Performance Squad
    Selection of squad with Chairman and Vice Chairman
    Fund raising/sponsorship for performance squad with Chairman and Vice Chairman
    Prepare the annual budget for the squad
    Prepare and publish qualifying criteria and dates
    Provide the squad with training schedules, kit, shoes and supplements
    Monitor the individuals’ performances and provide individually tailored coaching
    Organise squad training runs
    Assist the squad with attending training sessions; club events and local races
    Identify squad members to participate in major races, e.g. Comrades & Two Oceans
    Organise the entries, transport and accommodation for the squad’s out of town races
    Prepare contribution to weekly newsletter (upcoming races; race results; race achievements)

    Social Organiser
    Co-ordinating the safekeeping of club gazebos, cooler boxes, drinks & trailer
    Work with the Captains in co-ordinating of refreshments and catering for local races as required
    Convene sub-committees to assist with the organisation of club events
    Co-ordination of venue; invitations, RSVP’s , payments for the following events:
    May – Chairman’s breakfast
    July – Prize Giving
    Aug – Annual Fundraiser

    Coordination and marketing of other Club events including:
    Bi-monthly club function – Takkie Draw/ Guest Speaker
    April – Post Two Oceans Lunch CPT
    April – Ironman Aches and Pains party
    May – Muffin Run
    June – Post Comrades Breakfast DBN
    June – Comrades Aches and Pains party
    August – Golf Day
    August – AGM
    November/December – Pub Run

    Organise Club race Weekend Away (in consultation with Committee members)

    Communications Officer
    Promote as much exposure as possible in the press very soon after major achievements
    Co-ordination of photos at club events & races
    Co-ordinate the updating of the website – reports, photos, etc.
    Prepare events calendar for Website
    Liaise with website developer to make changes, enhancements and fix bugs
    Ensure members are aware of how to keep their details up to date on the website
    Ensure that the Bedfordview website and email subscription is correctly administered
    Maintain a central repository of all times for club athletes
    Run website polls and conduct other initiatives to keep member and visitor interest in the site
    Ensure weekly newsletter is published

    Special Projects
    Project teams will be established comprising of committee and non-committee members to deliver special projects. Examples include club house re-vitalisation, new website development, etc.